facebookWill you want to work part-time to have more income on the weekends even if you have a full-time job? - Seedly


Vernice Ng

Community Manager at Seedly

18 Oct 2022


Will you want to work part-time to have more income on the weekends even if you have a full-time job?

Discussion (7)

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If you still have personal time to rest & relax - yes.


02 Nov 2022

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

If that part-time work is an one-off gig and allows me to experience life in another way, then why not? I won't just look at money per say because the job must be interesting enough to warrant time taken away from the family.

To illustrate, pre-COVID, I worked before as a Japanese-English interpreter for travel fair, food fair, sake tasting event. Fun and interesting!

Trying to convince spouse that delivering food together for Grab on weekend is family cycling activity. Not working so far...

Depends on income for full-time job....

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