facebookIs full-time studies better or should I consider part-time studies and part-time work? - Seedly


JingYing Tan

21 Nov 2019


Is full-time studies better or should I consider part-time studies and part-time work?

Which one is better? I'm currently an NSF, going to ORD in 7-8 months.

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Full time student with part time job?

If your financial situation is not that tight, it’s better to do full time studies do that you can focus fully on it.

Got a friend who did banquet waiter. Full time study 3/4 times a week night work. As banquet, the friend is able to choose when to work and not to work. In the end, pay off the degree before guaduation.

Personally did full time work and part time studies. It can be tiring and have to manage time well. But it worth me for me cos my work and studies are related.


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