facebookWill you use a bill splitting app like Let's Dutch? How do you normally split bills? - Seedly

Kenneth Lou

Co-founder at Seedly

25 May 2021



Will you use a bill splitting app like Let's Dutch? How do you normally split bills?

Some of our enterprising juniors from NUS just launched a bill splitting product (similar to SplitWise in US).

Was wondering would you use something like this? Or if not, why not? Or how do you normally split your expenses these days? Using Google Pay, GrabPay or PayLah! and more?

P.S Reminded us of the painful early days launching the Seedly app πŸ˜‚

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Kenneth Lou

25 May 2021

Co-founder at Seedly

The bill splitting app is called Let's Dutch: https://letsdutch.co/

Apparently you can easily split bills... what are your thoughts? Do you see any use case with this product? Do drop some feedback here!

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