facebookWhy is the UOB One supplementary card not being able to be used in conjuction with the main card to hit the minimum spending? - Seedly



23 Aug 2019


Credit Cards

Why is the UOB One supplementary card not being able to be used in conjuction with the main card to hit the minimum spending?

When I was approached by this staff in uob because I wanted to open a joint account with my SO, he promoted the one card to us and telling me that the supplementary could be used also to help me(main card holder) too hit the tier.
Because at that time,)
Last week, whilst waiting to open the joint account, the staff approach us again to promote CC and they told us UOB one card supplementary cannot be used to help main card holder hit the tier. Anyone can advise?

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I too have a joint one account with my partner. Based on experience, the supplementary card does not count towards the $500 min spend as I found out during the first few months using it.

What we did was to request another card for the ā€œmain personā€. So now we have 2 debit cards under the main person name, but one is MasterCard and one is Visa. So far both spending counts to hit the tier, you just sometimes get weird looks when you pay with a card thatā€™s not under your name.

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The one who told you the supp card cannot hit the tier is wrong.

According to UOB One Card T&C, here are key points:

1) ā€œCard Transactionsā€ means the transactions successfully charged to the Card Account by the Principal Cardmember and the Supplementary Cardmember, AND posted on the Bankā€™s systems, but excludes the Exclusions.

2) Tier 1 Minimum Spend means: (i) The Card Transaction amount in each Statement for the Quarter is at least S$500 but less than S$1,000; AND (ii) Charged at least 5 Card Transactions in each Statement Month within the Quarter.

3) Tier 2 Minimum Spend means: (i) The Card Transaction amount in each Statement for the Quarter is at least S$1,000 but less than S$2,000; AND (ii) Charged at least 5 Card Transactions in each Statement Month within the Quarter.

4) Tier 3 Minimum Spend means: (i) The Card Transaction amount in each Statement for the Quarter (ii) is at least S$2,000; AND (iii) Charged at least 5 Card Transactions in each Statement Month within the Quarter.

In short, as long as you, the main cardholder, have 5 transactions per month, and your total spend across your card (main card) and your SO's card (supp card) hit at least $500, you are eligible for cash rebate.

Link to T&C: https://www.uob.com.sg/assets/pdfs/one_card_ful...

Hope this helps!

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