facebookWhy do people invest in SSB over putting their money in high-interest savings accounts or fixed deposits? - Seedly



05 Mar 2020

General Investing

Why do people invest in SSB over putting their money in high-interest savings accounts or fixed deposits?

Is it a wise decision to put your money in SSB over a high-yield savings account? What about a fixed deposit? Which is a low-risk investment that would be good?

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If above 55, can I deposit fund into my cpf? What is the interst rate? Can I withdraw before 65

SSB is for long term investment over 10 years and the rates are locked. FD rates are not fixed and depends on market condition.

Hariz Arthur Maloy

05 Mar 2020

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

The highest interest account without any hoops would be CIMB fast saver and that doens't beat SSB yi...

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