facebookWhy do people become disinterested, lie-and try to change topic when i talk to them about investments? - Seedly


Terence Lee

06 Nov 2020


Why do people become disinterested, lie-and try to change topic when i talk to them about investments?

So i made some new friends in school. he's 28 and the other is 63- and we are got along well. the 28yo said he does 'bonds'(SSB) via 'O'. I said the banks are loansharks themselves n charges alot of commisionsHe then replied he also has an investment account at H L***g, to which i bluntly replied government only allows the three major banks to have CPF investment accs and even showed him my own acc settings to prove this to him. https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schem...stment-s...

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Chan Ze Ming

06 Nov 2020

Accountancy and Finance Student at Nanyang Polytechnic

Maybe you sounded abit authoritative. Either that or investment just generally turn off people if they are not knowledgable about it.

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Seems like you have very strong views and think that you are always right? Your delivery method of your message can be improved, I guess.

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