facebookWhy do 5 guys and shakeshack cost so much in Singapore? Are they more profitable in Singapore than in the US? - Seedly



06 Mar 2020



Why do 5 guys and shakeshack cost so much in Singapore? Are they more profitable in Singapore than in the US?

Is 1 5 guys/shackshack diner in Singapore more profitable than the exact same diner in the US? Or is the markup mainly due to the high cost of things in Singapore, such as ingredients, rent etc

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Rais M

06 Mar 2020

Accountant at SME

They are not the general fast food that we have generally grown up with in Singapore. They do claim that their meat are premium and could even be using higher end ingredients. Perhaps it is not cheap for them to import these to Singapore and hence, they will need to charge a higher price. They could also be charging a premium due to their 'branding' and being limited in Singapore as well.

At the end of the day, they might not even be profitable in Singapore due to the high cost involved.

Andy Sim

05 Mar 2020

HR Professional at a Financial Institution

Probably because the ingredients to make the burger might be shipped from overseas which can be quite expensive, so this is passed on to the consumers.

Price is what you are willing to pay, value is what you received is another story...

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