facebookWhole life plan, or term plan, or hybrid? what kind of CI plans are recommended - lump sum or multi-pay? - Seedly


Joey Tay

02 Jun 2021


Whole life plan, or term plan, or hybrid? what kind of CI plans are recommended - lump sum or multi-pay?

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There are pros and cons for all these 3 plans.

Whats more important is understanding your protection needs etc.

Basic critical illness is the main course of a meal, early critical illness is the ice cream and multi-pay critical illness is a privilege to refill your plate if needed.

So whether a lump sum or multi pay options, sometimes depends on budget or family history.

For example, if family members have a high incidence of cancer, you might want to look into multi-pay plans as cancer is something that can recur.

Multi-pay plans are a benefit, especially for afflictions such as cancer, stroke and heart attack - three ailments that constitute over 90 per cent of all such claims.

Feel free to contact me (email at bio) if you have any other questions.

Thank you.

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