Wish to buy whole life plan and add on CI rider (my main focus for this whole life insurance is for CI coverage).
Which company’s whole life plan with CI rider can cover the most ECI/CI? I will want to cover as much critical illness as possible.
Does all whole life plan only allow u to claim for ECI once?
Which company is most valued for money?
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Elijah Lee
08 Jul 2022
Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)
Hi anon,
If you are looking at the absolute most number of conditions covered, I'd say AIA's GPP (III) will be hard to beat, based on my count, it covers early, intermediate and late CI over 67 CIs for an adult.
However, the premiums might tend to be a bit higher than other insurers and thus I will ask you to consider if it will be worth it to pay more to cover maybe another 10 or so CIs that are more obsecure than others. As an example, I'm working with a married couple now. The mom's premium for AIA is around $497.22/mth and equivalent coverage (sum assured wise) from another insurer is costing ~$353.35/mth with only some less common CIs missing from the coverage. To her, an extra $140/mth did not make sense especially since the most common CIs were already covered.
While it's nice to get extra coverage in terms of scope, there comes a point where the cost does not make sense. In this example, it didn't.
Whole life plans have a per claim limit on early CI and it can be $250K/$350K depending on insurer. If your early CI sum assured is $500K, and you make a claim, the remaining $250K/$150K will remain for a 2nd (but different) early CI claim. If you have $200K sum assured for early CI, the first claim will pay out the entire sum assured and no more claim will be possible.
As for the most value for money plan, it's hard to comment as I have no idea of your gender, age, etc, but right now Singlife and China Taiping have decent offerings.
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Hi! this comparison guide provides a good breakdown and comparison of different whole life insurances! hopefully it helps you find one based on your needs!