facebookWhich mutual fund is suitable for age range between 30 and 40 with a moderate risk? - Seedly



01 Feb 2020


Which mutual fund is suitable for age range between 30 and 40 with a moderate risk?

What are some mutual funds that I can be considering? Is this be an investment that I should be looking at for someone at my life stage?

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-avoid mutual funds generally (yearly fees range from ca. 0.80 - 2.50 % = systematic cause for bad long term performance of active mutual fund managers, don't forget to add yearly inflation % !)

-stick with ETFs, particularly U.S. ones (cheap ones have 0.07 - 0.30% yearly fee = TER)

-instead of the bond component for the time being select physical gold (5-10% of Your assets) or maybe property (disadvantage large lump sum) or maybe REIT ETFs

Hariz Arthur Maloy

28 Jan 2020

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

A globally diversified balanced multi asset fund can be considered. 60/40 split between equity and f...

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