facebookWhat would you tell your 21-year-old self? - Seedly



08 Jun 2021


What would you tell your 21-year-old self?

It can be financial advice or just about life in general.

Discussion (33)

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I would tell myself to start to learn investing earlier, so my investments would have grown earlier.

I would read more books! and books on investing, so i can start investing earlier

Pang Zhe Liang

09 Dec 2019

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

General Advice: Stop wasting time to care about what others think and just do it. When I make a mistake, admit it, and move on immediately. Life is short.

Financial Advice: Take greater risk. Stop staring at my bank account and start planning my life goals. Feel the urgency and do something about it. Life is short.

Here is everything about me and what I do best.

Wong Ming Yao

09 Dec 2019

Product and Community Associate at 8VIC Global Pte Ltd


I'm 22 this year and still studying in NUS. Best decision I've made last year is to start reading more and understand how to invest via Value Investing. It helped me to kickstart the journey towards financial freedom.

One thing I would tell myself last year is to find multiple streams of income to further scale my investment ROI!

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