facebookWhat would be the recommended joint account with your partner? Planning to use this account for wedding/BTO/reno/kids education. Putting in ~$300 each a month. Probably in 2-3 years time we need to plan for wedding? - Seedly



18 Apr 2019


Couple Finance

What would be the recommended joint account with your partner? Planning to use this account for wedding/BTO/reno/kids education. Putting in ~$300 each a month. Probably in 2-3 years time we need to plan for wedding?

Discussion (14)

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Jason Sing

24 Sep 2018

School Of Hard Knocks And Life at School Of Hard Knocks And Life

CIMB Fastsavers. Earn 1% interest rate.

I would suggest the CIMB Fastsavers!

Jeff Yeo

24 Sep 2018

amateur Social contributor at School of social sharing

Try the method mentioned in the deadly article on DBS Muliplier ! I think this works well for a couple

Jay Liu

21 Sep 2018

Accounting and Finance at ACCA

I recommend you DIY yourself. Have a high yield savings account like e.g. CIMB fastsaver. Or you can use one of your DBS multiplier to hit the interest rate. Alternatively, you can put it into SSBs for every $1000 accumulate in the savings account.

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Amanda Ho

21 Sep 2018

Financial Planner at AXA

Hi there, would recommend getting a savings plan or an investment plan to growth your wealth. Sav...

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