facebookWhat would be the approximate cost of having a child in singapore? My Husband is a PR and I am not. Do we get any subsidy in the hospitalisation during pregnancy as my Husband is a PR? Does the child get any subsidy when the child is born? - Seedly



22 Apr 2020


What would be the approximate cost of having a child in singapore? My Husband is a PR and I am not. Do we get any subsidy in the hospitalisation during pregnancy as my Husband is a PR? Does the child get any subsidy when the child is born?

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Leong Wen Fong

08 Sep 2018

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Like what Gabriel said, Seedly has written an article about it, but here are some excerpts on the article to give you an idea!

Prenatal Check-Ups – $1000 to $2000

Take note that your the trimester begins on the first day of your last period which means, which means by the time you find out that you’re pregnant you probably enough time to schedule in 2-3 check-ups in your first trimester.

Baby Supplies – $4000 – $27,500

Cost of delivery - $6000 - $19,000

Hospital bills can cost anywhere between $6,000 to $12,000 for a normal delivery and $10,000 to $19,000 for a C-section. This depends on the ward that you will be staying in, the type of hospital and if you’ll be opting for an epidural or any other side services.

In summary

A child can cost you around $18,000 a year and approximately $360,000 at the end of 20 years. So, it’s time to start saving for this because a child is going to be your biggest investment!

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