facebookWhat should i do? i am intending to do a mid career switch in my 30s...i will be taking a paycut though but how much paycut should i accept? - Seedly



26 Feb 2023


What should i do? i am intending to do a mid career switch in my 30s...i will be taking a paycut though but how much paycut should i accept?

I don't want to be short changed at the same time. i dont know what to do, need advise:(

Discussion (15)

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Do you think this mid career switch will really help you alot in the future? I think you really have to ask yourself whats the purpose of changing it before you made up your mind and of cuz do consider about the financial perspective as well.

Sean Gerald

05 Mar 2023

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at Singapore University of Social Sciences

That depends on how much you are earning at the moment...

If the paycut affects your lifestyle and if it will not have room for growth in the future, then my advice is to not to do it. However, if you truly enjoy what you will be doing then no amount of money should prevent you from switching.

Assuming you have done the necessary research on the new job and how much it pays on average (For similar seniority). That can be your guide, or not too far off.

At times paycut is unavoidable, through the new oporunuity that arised, which would enable to to even higher pay than your current, i guess it is fine.

I think it really depends on your goal.

And the amount of paycut... how about seeing it as how muc...

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