facebookWhat savings accounts are updating their interest rates such as the Standard Chartered JumpStart? What is the best savings account for now? - Seedly


What savings accounts are updating their interest rates such as the Standard Chartered JumpStart? What is the best savings account for now?

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Can consider Sif, RHB, CIMB, OCBC 360, SingLife or Trust Bank.

Hey there.

Putting your savings in high-interest savings account is a way to beat inflation and increase value.

Choices that do not require spending/minimum sum include:

  1. Singlife Account (2.5% p.a, capaital guaranteed, interest non guaranteed)

  2. FSM Auto-Sweep Account (1.05%p.a, interest rates may be revised)

  3. Stashaway Simple (1.9%, capital non guaranteed, interest non guaranteed)

  4. SCB JumpStart (1%p.a)

  5. crypto.com Crypto Earn (Depending on currency, as high as 16%p.a without any prior staking. However, do take note of the volatility of cryptocurrencies)

  6. Vivid Account (1.05% p.a for first 10k, 1.30% for 10k-20k)

  7. CIMB FastSaver (Revised rate of 0.5%, down from 1%)

Other than SC jumpstart, OCBC 360 is also having it's interest rates halved starting July 2020. We a...

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