facebookWhat’s the difference between investing with cash vs SRS? - Seedly


29 Oct 2019

General Investing

What’s the difference between investing with cash vs SRS?

I read that you should top up your SRS to invest with it to get tax relief or something?

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Arpita Mukherjee

29 Oct 2019

Community Evangelist at Kristal.AI

While SRS allows investors to invest only in Singapore Stock Exchange-listed stocks and some UTs, investment through cash offers easy access to markets and benefits of liquidation. Also, since in case of SRS, there’s a lock-in period, meaning, you can only withdraw the money after the age of 62, you will need to be extra sure that you want to do it for a long-term period. If age is not a factor that worries you, then you will definitely save up on tax.

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Kelly Trinh

27 Oct 2019

Backoffice technical at financial services firm

There is recent rah rah about 'hack' of setting up SRS with a nominal amount (could be a dollar!) to lock in age you can pull money out (currently 62, if set up later can be later). That should be done ALWAYS coz it is relatively low cost (a dollar!) and once ship sails won't be able to do again.

That aside, economically the benefit is tax relief now (but taxable later but you do get a 50% discount on tax payable) against the loss of liquidity for taking out much later (age 62).
If you would invest anyway (and note the restricted investible asset universe) and fairly certain hold for long term until retirement - then it is a free tax break so no brainer to do it.

But if you aren't too sure you can stay in so long then it is a gamble since you have a 5% penalty if you withdraw earlier. Basically need to balance yourself on potential needs in short/medium term (go through cash) or can hold off longer (then use SRS)

Alvin Teo

27 Oct 2019

Aviva Relationship Consultant at Aviva Affinity Channel

Apart from the things cash and SRS can invest in, there is the lock-up period which you have to cons...

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