facebookWhat is you view on ARK ETF? They have 5G related, biotech and innovative tech, all seems like disruptive tech. Any thoughts? - Seedly



24 Jun 2020

General Investing

What is you view on ARK ETF? They have 5G related, biotech and innovative tech, all seems like disruptive tech. Any thoughts?

What is you view on ARK ETF? They have 5G related, biotech and innovative tech all seems like disruptive tech.

Discussion (1)

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Vested interest.

small number of holdings per ETF allow them to deep dive into the companies they own. you should read the papers they write and see if you agree with their view of what they consider as innnovative technology. see their holdings are not the usual big names like amazon, fb, alibaba. very interesting and unique.

but one thing i do not understand is also with such little holdings, why do they find it meaningful to trade in and out that frequently.​​​

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