facebookWhat is the difference in terms of coverage of illnesses between Aviva's (WholeLife Plan III + My Early Critical Illness Plan II) VS AIA (Guareenteed Protector Plus II + Early Protector Life II)? - Seedly


What is the difference in terms of coverage of illnesses between Aviva's (WholeLife Plan III + My Early Critical Illness Plan II) VS AIA (Guareenteed Protector Plus II + Early Protector Life II)?

What is the difference in terms of coverage of illnesses between Aviva's (WholeLife Plan III + My Early Critical Illness Plan II) VS AIA (Guareenteed Protector Plus II + Early Protector Life II)?

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Elijah Lee

21 Nov 2020

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi Phoebeta,

I think you mean Aviva's MyWholeLifePlan II with the Early Critical Illness Advance Cover IV rider vs AIA's Guranteed Protect Plus (II) with the Early Critical Protector Life (II) Rider

In summary

Covered Conditions (Early, Intermediate and Late CI)

Aviva: 131 across 59 different CIs

AIA: 103 across 43 different CI

Special Benefits (such as Diabetic Complications, Osteoporosis):

Aviva: 16

AIA: 5

Juvenile Benefits (not applicable if you're above 21 for AIA or 18 for Aviva):

Aviva: 11

AIA: 16

ICU Benefit/Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit:

Aviva: Yes, with 22 organs for the Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit

AIA: None

This is just a summary in terms of covered conditions, for greater detail you may wish to speak to an advisor as there are a few more differences in the plans.

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Duane Cheng

21 Nov 2020

Financial Consultant at Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

Hi Phoebeta,

Based on my understanding and experience, overall both policies serve the same purpose, which is a whole life CI policy that pays out from early to late stage critical illness diagnosis.

The differentiating factor will be the overall coverage across the different CIs. As ECI definitions are not defined by LIA, the scope of coverage will be determined by the insurer. As per the websites, the difference will be 131 vs 104 conditions across the different CI stages.

Hope i was able to address your queries!

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