facebookWhat is one of your biggest takeaway from investing - Are there any important life lessons or is this just a mere pursuit of wealth? - Seedly



21 Mar 2021


General Investing

What is one of your biggest takeaway from investing - Are there any important life lessons or is this just a mere pursuit of wealth?

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21 Mar 2021

Writer at Jeffreyleezq.com

To stay true to your goal, and just because many people say so does not mean that it's the truth.


- Jeffrey (jeffreyleezq.com)​​​


21 Mar 2021

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

The most important lesson I have learnt is to stay calm and invested, which means not panicking and doing nothing in times of market crashes and corrections. I apply this lesson every day since I'm raising a loud and energetic toddler!

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Time in the market is more important than timing the market. This keeps me grounded especailly when it comes to decision-making, to not make hasty decisions if I'm not comfortable.

Rais M

25 Feb 2020

Accountant at SME

All I want to do is give my parents, wife and kiddos a better life. I do not want them to worry about money in future like I do now. Guess this is what they called the sandwich generation.

Honestly, this is a very personal thing. Some people invest to give their family a better life while...

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