facebookWhat is happening to the Singapore Savings Bonds interest rates? Why do they keep falling? What are better alternatives? - Seedly



27 May 2020



What is happening to the Singapore Savings Bonds interest rates? Why do they keep falling? What are better alternatives?

SeedlyTV S2E07

Discussion (1)

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Singlife Account 2.5% p.a.
SCB Jumpstart 2% p.a. (if you are below age 26)
High Interest Savings Accounts

  • I am using DBS Vickers, Salary, Credit Card, Investment will get me around 1.8% - 2.2% p.a.

Above are all saving accounts with no lock in period. Easily higher interest than current SSB. However, because no lock in, the interest rates may change anytime. For now, its still good.

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