facebookWhat is a good way to prevent/reverse misselling of insurance policies, especially savings plans/endowment plans? - Seedly


24 Jun 2020


What is a good way to prevent/reverse misselling of insurance policies, especially savings plans/endowment plans?

Policies are sold over-the-counter or by agents. Savings plans are enforced savings with huge penalties for early redemption. Mis-selling exists with many people buying in without fully understanding the complexity of the product. For the young, it's not too bad, just pay and wait for maturity. For the old, it becomes an issue with their monies stuck in an policy that eventually becomes a liability. What's a good way to help/reverse the policies?

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If you have evidences/proof of mis-selling or agent deliberately withhold information or misled, can complain to MAS. The agent license will be revoked and the policy will be terminated. Full amount will be refunded. However, the tricky part is to produce the proof / evidences. If not its your words against theirs.

Theres a few case study and incidents that came on the news. You can google it. I try find it later and update in the comments.

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