facebookWhat does the syndicate (Crypto.com's product) do? - Seedly

HC Tang

Financial Enthusiast, Budgeting at The Society

06 Feb 2020



What does the syndicate (Crypto.com's product) do?

What is The Syndicate? What purpose does it serve and how does it benefit consumers?

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Yvonne K

06 Feb 2020

Head of Social Media & Community at Crypto.com

The Syndicate is a fundraising platform for the most promising crypto projects to list their coins or tokens on the crypto.com Exchange. crypto.com Coin (CRO) holders, those who have staked CRO in the Exchange, will receive priority token allocation for these events at a discount. To find out more, visit our blog on The Syndicate: https://blog.crypto.com/the-syndicate/

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