facebookWhat do you think is a good entry price for Alibaba following the latest news on the government asking it to return to its payments service instead of wealth management? - Seedly


07 Jan 2021


What do you think is a good entry price for Alibaba following the latest news on the government asking it to return to its payments service instead of wealth management?

Should I be bearish on Alibaba? I know I need to focus and remember why I invested in that company in the first place but can't help but feel worried.

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Lin Yun Heng

07 Jan 2021

Senior Analyst at Delphi

I have been buying BABA aggressively. If you feel worried, you probably didn’t understand the actual fundamentals and intrinsic value of Alibaba

It’s currently my top holding as well, if you don’t understand the fundamentals, you can gain exposure through ETFs instead.

I still believe it has good potential, just bought recently too and plan to hold long term.

Too difficult and stressful to enter at bottom price. Somewhere near it is good enough.

Personal view : currently investigation is still ongoing. If you are confident of the result being p...

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