facebookWhat do people mean when they say “shell company”? - Seedly



18 Apr 2019


What do people mean when they say “shell company”?

Recently there’s a news regarding a group of Doctors funding a shell company. What exactly is a shell company and how do they avoid taxes?

Discussion (2)

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Gabriel Tham

19 Oct 2018

Tag Team Member at Kenichi Tag Team

u register a company under your name but never open for business at all. No store, no website, nothing, just a name in the registry.

Leong Wen Fong

19 Oct 2018

Commercial Ops at Aspire

A shell company is a company formed that is not active, and the main purpose is for it to work around laws. While not all of them are illegal, many of them are. In this case, I'm guessing it is illegal because it's sole purpose is to reroute funds in a way that allows the doctors to evade tax.

I'm not entirely sure of how it is being done though!

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