facebookWhat are some ways for someone who wants to be a business owner or start a business but don't have capital to do so to seek help? - Seedly



23 Aug 2021


What are some ways for someone who wants to be a business owner or start a business but don't have capital to do so to seek help?


SeedlyAMA Workforce Singapore

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Dealing with finances can be pretty complicated, that's true, and reducing costs is not that easy. In some cases, business development doesn't require money at all, it all depends on your type of business. Of course, you'll have to work with companies like https://incorporatebusinessonline.net/company/g... to get bookkeeping services and reduce costs eventually, it's just a matter of time, but for now, it would be better to develop a business plan and allocate finances.

You can get in debt and ask your friends or family. But it would be better to make sure that you reduced costs as much as possible.

Hello. I think this is an important topic for discussion. In truth, I admire people who start their ...

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