facebookWhat are some things money can't buy? - Seedly


Huang Yixuan

Person at Seedly Community

15 May 2020


What are some things money can't buy?

Discussion (19)

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Money can buy you sex, but can’t buy you love.

Money can buy you house, but can’t buy you a home.

Can’t remember what else was said along these lines.

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Kenneth Lou

07 Jun 2019

Co-founder at Seedly

Money can't buy you your parents. (sorry sad truth on this beautiful thursday morning).

All your genes, and your upbringing shaped by them overtime!

So be grateful for the time you have with them. And pass it down to your kids in the future! Nothing to do with money.

Just spending time with them doing the smallest of things.

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Leong Wen Fong

07 Jun 2019

Commercial Ops at Aspire

I'll say something people think money cannot buy, but actually it CAN be bought: TIME!

Example: If you took a Grab to work (say 15mins) rather than took public transport (1h15mins) then you just bought yourself 1h to sleep

If you hired a maid (say at $600 a month), instead of doing 2hours worth of chores every day. Did you not just buy time to spend with your children or doing things that matter to you?

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HC Tang

29 Sep 2018

Financial Enthusiast, Budgeting at The Society

$ can't buy a lot of things. Most valuable thing $ can't buy is Time.

We only live once! - So ...

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