facebookWhat are some small habits you have that help you save just a little bit of money at a time? - Seedly



25 Apr 2021


What are some small habits you have that help you save just a little bit of money at a time?

The kinds where you don't feel it at first, but over time can be a surprising amount

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Track your expenses so you can be more aware of your spendings and cut down where necessary. This helped me personally to be more consious of the amount of money i was spending on Grab rides and starbucks coffee

Use an app to track all your expenses and also set a weekly budget for yourself!​​​

I use an app to keep track of my daily expenditure, so I can have data to work on to see on which area do I send most of my money from.

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Delay the check out after you add to cart, sometimes you just end up not buying things that you don't need

When I was a student, I did this savings challege where:

(1) Saved every $1 coin that came my way


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