facebookWhat are differences between the 3 Syfe portfolios and which one should I start with as a new investor? - Seedly


12 Oct 2020


What are differences between the 3 Syfe portfolios and which one should I start with as a new investor?

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06 Oct 2020

Hello there, thanks for your interest in Syfe. Each of Syfe's portfolios gives you exposure to different investment opportunities.

With REIT+, you get Singapore real estate exposure. With Equity100, you're invested in growth stocks the likes of Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and more. With Global ARI, you get a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and gold in an allocation that best fits your risk appetite.

All three products can have a place in your portfolio. One strategy you may want to consider is core satellite investing, where Global ARI becomes your core investment and you include REIT+ and Equity100 as your satellites. For more information, you may check out BudgetBabe's review too.

If you're interested to implement such a strategy for yourself, please feel free to have a chat with our friendly wealth advisors! They'll be able to give you more personalised advice. Hope this helps :)

I have recently written an article on Syfe's portfolio. You can take a look.

I would suggest the Global ARI portfolio if you are starting as a new investor as it would allow you to instantly diversify your portfolio

Allocating all assets to REITs is not good risk management. Look up Autowealth....

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