facebookTiger broker provide level 2 data for 30 days upon sign up. What is level 2 data? And, after 30 days what does it revert to..? - Seedly


23 Sep 2020

General Investing

Tiger broker provide level 2 data for 30 days upon sign up. What is level 2 data? And, after 30 days what does it revert to..?

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US stock L2 market data

LV2 full depth data provided by Tiger Brokers are real-time Entry Order and quotation data of NYSE ArcaBook Exchange.

The full depth market quotations show full depth data, the volume & price distribution diagram and large order prompt data at tick 40 of stock buy/sell order.

The volume & price distribution diagram: The buy/sell entry order volume and entry order price will be added to the price chart in the form of bar chart, so that users directly observe the buy/sell order data and better judge the stock price trend.

Large order prompt data: The data is updated every minute and any order with a volume higher than 10 times of the average level is screened and displayed to allow users to find large order data.


only relevant for day trading, which is anyway not a sound investing strategy, if investing at all.

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