facebookThe prevalence of the FIRE movement in Singapore leading the younger workforce to exit the workforce/take lesser stressful jobs + aging population would cause deep pain in the country economy.? - Seedly


02 Dec 2020



The prevalence of the FIRE movement in Singapore leading the younger workforce to exit the workforce/take lesser stressful jobs + aging population would cause deep pain in the country economy.?

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02 Dec 2020

Salaryman at some company

If this movement eventually prompts more companies to offer better work-life balance and better jobs (no unnecessary stress), then that's great.

As for economic impact, if more people (who then age too) are becoming financially independent, it's good, right? Being financially independent means being able to tank all those potential healthcare bills and daily expenses.

There could be more to this. I'm not sure. Will see what the rest of the community has to say!

Dont worry, there is always foreign talent, If our young singaporean can exit workforce. Anyway is not that easy to retire so early, need at least 10-20yrs of workings. I believe our young generation will support their elderly parent, even they are able to retire early? Should have taken into account already?​​​

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