facebookSYFE Brokerage do not re-invested dividends - Seedly


08 Apr 2024

General Investing

SYFE Brokerage do not re-invested dividends

I have SPY and DBS stocks in SYFE Brokerage, and only just found out they do not automatically reinvest dividends and instead credit them to your brokerage account every time. This came as a disappointment because there goes the hopes of compounding interests over time. Are there still benefits of using SYFE Brokerage or are there better suggestions to move my investment to?

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My personal perspective is that dividend funds may not be the ideal choice for investors just starting their investment journey, drawing from my own experiences and preferences in investing.

When it comes to building wealth, I prioritize investing in platforms that offer a combination of accessibility, reliability, and robust performance. As an investor, I value my time to spend with my family and strike a work-life balance. I prefer to invest in high-quality mutual funds (HNW funds) which are managed by seasoned professionals who possess expertise in identifying lucrative investment opportunities and navigating market fluctuations to optimize returns. I invest mainly in equity funds for capital appreciation.

I personally feel that dividend funds tend to prioritize income generation through dividends, which may come at the expense of capital appreciation. For investors seeking significant growth in their investment portfolio, dividend funds may not offer the same level of upside potential as growth-oriented investments such as growth stocks or equity funds.

I prefer to receive the dividends. One reason is sometime the stock price is not doing well but I still take some earnings from the dividends while I hold my investment of that particular trade. I don't think auto-reinvesting for indivdual stock is a good thing.


10 Apr 2024

Own time own target at Self Employed

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The two free trades are good. I just reinvest on my own when I feel the time is right.

I think Syfe Brokerage did not have that kind of features, if you want your dividends to be inve...

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