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Switch career or Stay with Current Job

My age is 27 years, 28 is coming in for few months. Now I'm in 2nd job as a Operation Technician in Oil & Gas industry, the pay and allowance is good, but recently I having trouble with sleeping because of the duty rooster. I work for 2 days(1 day shift, 1 night shift) then rest 2 days, I have trouble unable to concentrate when on duty. I tried ways to cope with it, but still unable to adapt it. Meanwhile, I go to find and switch to other career, in my mind, I'm a close minded person, but I wanted to interact with more people and provide assistance/help to the community/public, something like a public servant. I don't have any commitment for now, will happen in future yes. Is it too late for me to explore what I have realise that I actually that I wanted to do for my path from the beginning?

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Man of the Hour

27 Jun 2023

Man at Man of the Hour

Stay in o&g. Tough it out for a few years and you will soon enjoy the rewards.

Do some research and no harm going for interviews and find out more too :)

Public servant isn''t as easy as you think

You are still so young! Go and explore what you wanted to do, this is the age of exploring, making nistake and learning from them, make friends and build your network mai tu liao, just do it, follow your heart.. one simple question is to ask yourself - fast forward to 45 yrs old abd you are still in this industry/job, will you regret not switching at 28 yr old? I think you have the answer. _<

Shortlist what kind of job you are interested in and either ask people who are doing that or do some...

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