Discuss anything about SGX: Cromwell SGD REIT (SGX: CSFU) share price, dividend yield, ratios, fundamentals, and if you would buy or sell this REIT on the SGX Singapore market. Do take note that the answers given by our members are just their opinions, so please do your own due diligence before making an investment in Cromwell SGD REIT (SGX: CSFU).
Discussion (5)
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In my view a well managed REIT with a very stable porfolio, priced right now at very attractive levels given the stability and yield.
Curious why this company does not have a lot more interest from Singapore investors?
And why does the SG counter have less trading volume the the Euro?
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Wow. Someone is finally talking about it.
Most people went for the EUR counter, which actually has the most trading volume.
After a few mths, I cleared my EUR position and switched to the SGD counter. Frankly I have been sleeping a lot better after taking the SGD position because the price fluctuation is a lot lower than the EUR one.
In terms of reits, this is one of my top five preferred ones now, primarily because I think they are doing stuff and I do quite like some of the acquisitions / divestiture they did over the last 12 mths to diversify the portfolio mix (to include Germany) and starting to explore data centers.
Corporate governance is good, and I believe they are quite transparent.
As a comparison vs Ireit, they have better gearing / lower debt, which is the primary reason I like it.
I have almost always felt Ireit was constrained by the debt, and I couldn't quite figure why they couldn't move forward with building its portfolio, or pay down its debt.
With Cromwell, I don't see that.