facebookShould you share and reveal your salary to your colleagues? - Seedly


08 Dec 2021



Should you share and reveal your salary to your colleagues?

If your colleague asks about your salary, should you share it? Is sharing our salaries at work is frowned upon by the higher-ups? What do you think?

Discussion (15)

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I personally wonโ€™t share the exact amount of my salary as they may compare >< but Iโ€™ll give them a range! :)

Adrian Goh Jun Wei

15 Feb 2022

Product at Nodeflair

I think there have been many research (forgot where I have read it before) that one is much more likely to be underpaid if the company discourages such behaviour. Typically such companies want to pay you as little as you could such that you won't leave, instead of what you are worth.


But of course, it is hard to discuss salary in Asia since it is such a taboo. You can check out https://nodeflair.com/salaries to find out verified salaries anonymously submitted by people in the tech industries!


Disclosure: I work at NodeFlair

Give a rough range. also depending tour colleagues are singaporeans or holding work permits.

To be honest, no point in discussing as you won't get anything or loss anything. It just a good subject for lunch time gossip discussion...........

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Not discussing your salary benefits nobody but the employer.


Don't let them exploit you, or othe...

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