facebookShould AXA's potential sale of their Singapore general insurance business be of concern to potential customers looking at buying their plans? - Seedly


18 Aug 2020


Should AXA's potential sale of their Singapore general insurance business be of concern to potential customers looking at buying their plans?

Context: as a fresh grad, considering AXA for life/ health/personal accident insurance, should I be concerned about company ownership changing hands or is this very normal?

Discussion (3)

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Hey there!

Whilst your plans will definitely still be in force, it is not known with full certainty how will the servicing and claims process look like specifically. It will highly likely be bought over by a third party insurer company. Also, AXA has it's main operations out of Asia which may explain why they may sell off their business here and concentrate their operations out of Asia. My advice to you is to have an insurer you know is here to stay to service you.

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There have been insurers being bought over in the past. In theory, the acquiring company will take over the servicing of policies of the acquired. But in practice, the agents and customer service will not be familiar or will not be bothered to familiarise the policies you bought with AXA.

Case in point, just ask those who bought OAC and UOB policies in the past and see what level of services they are receiving.

Duane Cheng

18 Aug 2020

Financial Consultant at Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

Hi Mr.Lin,

If they do sell their business, it will definitely be taken up by another Insurer. Your ...

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