facebookRevolut referral, get $45 from me. By 1 August 2023 (5/5 slots available) - Seedly



Edited 13 Jul 2023


Promo Codes

Revolut referral, get $45 from me. By 1 August 2023 (5/5 slots available)

Sign up for a Revolut account via my referral link and get S$45.


Steps to complete:

  1. Sign up for a Revolut account using my link (Tele me @zaneho for the link)
  2. Verify your identity KYC.
  3. Top up your account by card/bank transfer
  4. Order a physical card (Free)
  5. Make 3 separate transaction of at least $10 each (use virtual card because physical card might not arrive on time); transfers/gift card/stored value are not valid, must be geniune spendings (eg. shopping/food/retail etc)
  6. Complete all of the above before 1 August 2023
  7. Get your reward from me via paynow/paylah once everything is verified!

Tele me @zaneho for more info.

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