Please recommend plans as well as service provider. Budget would hopefully be within $250 per month. Not too sure if this is too low. Not interested in whole life plan/investment thank you.
Discussion (3)
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Charmaine Chua
26 Mar 2020
Personal Finance Geek at My Own Life
Tan Li Xing
25 Mar 2020
Financial Consultant at Prudential Assurance Company (Singapore)
Hi Charmaine,
What coverage are you looking at for term? Also how long? Just to highlight that at the age of entry, it might be pricey, and I'm not sure if the budget of 250/ mth can be attained if you are looking to cover for 20 years, and covers Death, Total Permanent Disability & Critical Illness.
At that age, I won't factor in Early Critical Illness, cause just adding in that component, will definitely bring it above 250/ mth. Do reach out if you have further queries.
I think the IFAs should be able to advise you better cause they can look at a range of Insurers. For Prudential.. I'm not confident in being able to meet that budget.
Else you can actually go to and see what can be offered to you and also coverage within your budget is attainable
Pang Zhe Liang
25 Mar 2020
Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd
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When it comes to price, I'd strongly recommend you go direct to the insurer. I shopped around quite a lot when looking for my own coverage and realised that FWD and Singlife offer really competitive rates.
I did a quick check for you using these details - Male, 60 years old, non-smoker, coverage $400k, coverage term 10 years till 70 years old.
FWD - Monthly premium $191.40
Singlife - Monthly premium $284.60
You might want to provide more information like your desired coverage amount, coverage term as these contribute greatly to the calculation of your premiums.
That being said, any reason why you decide to get term life insurance at 60 years old?