facebookRecently the Syfe and Stashaway themed portfolios have been doing pretty badly. Should I still hold? What are your thoughts on roboadvisors? - Seedly


17 Jan 2022



Recently the Syfe and Stashaway themed portfolios have been doing pretty badly. Should I still hold? What are your thoughts on roboadvisors?

Recently the Syfe and Stashaway themed portfolios have been doing pretty badly. Should I still hold? What are your thoughts on roboadvisors?

Discussion (4)

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For robo, my thoughts, stick to the portfolio consists of passive index ETF.


Theme based portfolio, better DIY your own ETF to buy because most of them are active managed. The way of picking stocks in an active manage ETF may not align to your style. Eg. I never like Ark fund, even when it rocket in 2020, but if the portfolio include it, i have no choice. But again the market now is under correction.

I got the feeling your investing time horizon is too short. If you have just invested into this portfolio, you need to give it more time to ride out of the short term volatility. Cannot just see negative numbers and want to exit it asap.

Which themed are you holding?...

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