facebookPros and cons of AIA pro lifetime protector 2 max - Seedly


Edited 19 Nov 2021



Pros and cons of AIA pro lifetime protector 2 max

Is the plan more based on protection or investment ?
What happened if investment side screw up and will the premium increase for protection by using the investment money?

Discussion (2)

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Elijah Lee

20 Nov 2021

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,


This is an investment linked plan with option to add coverage via a variety of riders.


So it's a mixture of both, and how much of each side, depends on how you configure the plan.


If your investments do not perform well, your premiums for protection (the 'mortality charges') are still going to remain the same. And in fact, if the market remains depressed, your mortality charges are still going to go up next year.


I sense you have more questions about ILP than what you asked.


Perhaps these links may help you.


On protection based ILPs, I share my thoughts here.

On investment based ILPs, I share my thoughts here.

It’s more like a saving + protection, lesser risk than ILP~

Part of your premium will use to pay the protection, the rest will use for investment

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