Hi guys, student entering university this year (pursuing honours in Business) and still undecided between NUS and NTU Business School.
NUS has stronger international rankings. However, I was wondering if NTU Business would be better as it is a 3 years direct honours major. Meaning I could save at least $40,000 if I could factor in 1 year less of tuition fees and 1 year of work experience. May anyone who is working in the Finance or Business advisory field advize me? Thank you!
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Cedric Jamie Soh
18 Sep 2019
Director at
Jansen Ng
02 May 2019
Business Student at Ntu
Haha time to hear the other perspective from an NTU business student;p
Haha just kidding. Issac puts up the pointers very objectively, so maybe I shall take on a more subjective approach and upsell NTU;p (both NTU and NUS has their pros, so it really depends which factor is more important to you personally)
First off, in my opinion, the international rankings doesnt really matter. I could pull out rankings of NTU to compare, but I would say both are equally good schools on international ground;p
You are right in terms of 40k savings (9k in tuition fees, 40k in one year annual salary for finance grads depending). This may be valuable if you are funding your own school fees / taking up student loan. But if you are scholar than it doesnt really matter;p
Work experience
In NTU's 3 years, you will probably only have time for work experience during the 2 summers and 2 winters (if you are the chiongster type). NUS gives you addition one year of summer internship opportunity. However, most of my finance friends (the chiongster type) prefer to do a LOA (leave of absence) internship for one semester and graduate in 3.5years. This gives you a valuable 6 months internship that is more desired by companies, as compared to a shorter term (and more common) 3 months internship during summer. This may put you ahead of your peers.
Student life:
NTU's 3 years means you 'lose out' in one year of school. As working adults always say, studying is your best life, treasure it. Hence NUS beats this aspect due to 4 years of school, allowing you (1) enjoy school life / hall life more, (2) are more spaced out in terms of workload (NTU is arguably compressed due to 3 years, but we will adapt haha), (3) allow you to take up more CCA and leadership position (which may aid your non-academic resume and lifeskill/leadership skills, all of which are as important as grades imo).
Oh oh, one irritating factor for NTU is our S/U option (ie pass/fail), where NTU needs to S/U our modules before we get our grades, but NUS is able to see your grades before you S/U. Haha NTU ppl complain non-stop but we lived with it;p
Personally i appreciated the 3 years of study, and it was a major draw factor for me.
Apart from which school you go, much of the end result really depends on how you spend your time in uni. Fun times lie ahead;p
If you got specific questions/factors you want to consider, feel free to hit us with them;p
Isaac Chan
02 May 2019
Business at NUS
Hi Kenny!
I'm currently doing finance in NUS, and I will just share some a few factors that you mi...
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I studied at NUS and I wished I haven't.
The amount of knowledge and experience I got elsewhere were a lot more formative in my current lifestyle and income.
Having said that, NUS offered a lot more international experience compared to other universities in Singapore. This is because they have a bigger international network to tap on.
Hope you have a great time in university life!