facebookNTUC Income IncomeShield Integrated Shield Plan good? - Seedly


02 May 2022


NTUC Income IncomeShield Integrated Shield Plan good?

Discussion (3)

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Magdalene Heng

05 May 2022

Financial Adviser at Singlife With Aviva

Integrated Shield Plans are quite competitive, however, some plans premiums increased based on claims.

It will be good to have a discussion with your financial adviser to see what is your concern.

If you need someone to give you a comparison, I'm able to represent a few insurance companies. You can find out more: https://www.magdaleneheng.com/

Hope it helps you. :)


04 May 2022

Treasury Associate at MP

IPs in general is very competitive because it is not super expensive (only a few hundred a year) and the different insurers keep updating the product itself. Therefore, I would recommend finding someone who would go the extra mile for you when doing the claims because that is when it matters most. If you are someone who will claim for yourself, then you can compare the different products that singsaver came up with (CH has already provided the link).

However, from CH comment, he also mentioned a straits times article stating that the insurer refuse to pay for a new drug. I am pretty sure that all insurers hospitalization plan do not cover experimental drugs. Your financial planner should inform you right at the start that getting a critical illness plan is also important because of cases like this. Then you can use the critical illness payout to pay for your experimental treatment.

Depends what you mean by "good"

1st, make sure you really want/need/can afford an Integrated shield...

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