facebookKeen to invest in S&P 500 ETF. What are some that I can consider? - Seedly


09 Sep 2020

General Investing

Keen to invest in S&P 500 ETF. What are some that I can consider?

  • US vs Ireland domiciled?
  • Accumulating vs distributing?
  • If US, are there any accumulating S&P 500 ETF or those with low or minimal dividend?
  • Was thinking of VUAA, since it is accumulating + Ireland, but the volume seems to be low. Is it a good option or what are some good options?

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U.S. domiciled are required to distribute, cannot accumulate.

Best is CSPX.

Though VOO is 2nd line option, if U.S. marketplace required, bit less dividend tax efficient.

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Rachelle Lye

09 Sep 2020

Digital Marketing at Fintech

Hey Anon,

Unfortunately I'm no expert on this, but let me refer you to this question thread. Hope this helps!


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