New web developer salary:
Total: $93K/year
Current MNC salary:
Total: $81K/year
I'm in a dilemma because the pay is 15% higher at the SME. Working culture at the SME is good also, because it's run by a friend. The SME is profitable so I'm not worried about them closing shop.
However, the MNC gives me a good brand name for my resume, which I believe is beneficial for long-term career growth. I also have some concerns about future career development if I leave the MNC to join the SME. Will I be able to rejoin another MNC after working at the SME? Or will I be "pigeon-holed" into joining other SMEs, which may not offer me the same good salary?
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
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Will join because:
Elijah Lee
27 Jan 2022
Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)
Hi anon,
How long have you spent at the MNC? If you have built up a sizable portfolio on your re...
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IT Engineer here too and I have 'tasted' both SME (new babies owned by ang mo and old babies like Comfort) and MNC (Accenture, IBM).
Based on my experience, you need to check :
If yes, then the team would be expanded, IT will be refreshed regularly :
1.1. Learning curve is a lot, fun, and open to mistakes.
If no, then you would be one man show Forever (from Helpdesk, BA, Enhance, Fixes, Server Maintenances, etc).
You can make a guess on what kind of products are sold and whether IT is heavily / mainly used.
What is your road map of your IT career? Do you wanna have more specific as you are experienced IT or do you prefer one man show role ?
(As 7+ yrs experience , i dunno want one man show especially if the company doesn't want to invest in IT)
Is your friend a closed friend ? If yes, i would prefer no personally, if no, then yeah we can try. When we do jobs, there will be always clashes and hopefully won't separate you guys.
Can you rejoin back to MNC ? Of course yessss.
I changed job twice last year : from ibm to comfort to Accenture (you can PM me on i moved fast from comfort, there were shocking tons of points lol)