Discussion (4)
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Constance Ho
11 Aug 2018
HR professional at (various industries)
For first job I recommend to stay 3-4 years. If you stay only for one year in your next job hop, it will not look good in your resume. Of course need to consider career progression, pay progression, what's your boss view in your career development before making the jump.
Jeff Yeo
17 Jul 2018
amateur Social contributor at School of social sharing
for Your first job I would recommend staying at least for At least 2-3 years before moving. It is ok...
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Jumping in with a HR perspective!
It used to be that at least 2-3 years in a job was the expectation; nowadays job-hopping is not uncommon.
However, any tenure less than 6 months will likely not be taken seriously (competitive disadvantage).
A few questions to ask yourself when you're considering a job-hop:
1) What have you achieved/learned so far with your current employer? Make a list. Do you like what you see?
2) What have you done to take on more responsibilities, if you feel you're not progressing fast enough?
- I like to ask this question in interviews because it tests for proactiveness to "be the change" and also importantly, grit.
3) What is your end goal (if you don't know, no worries - just keep coming back to this question at various stages of your career)? What matters most to you and what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?
Conversely, I would advise you not to get too comfortable within a specific environment (company/team/manager) for too long at the beginning of your career, otherwise your ability to adapt may suffer.