I reckoned it was the influence that I received from relatives who are closed to me and were in the HR field that got me exploring into the industry. I started researching more into it and picked up the knowledge by reading materials related to HR and this continued to fuel my interest. I then embarked on learning to improve my knowledge. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison so while some find HR boring and mundane I find it exhilarting so it goes back to our own career Values, Interests, Personality and Skills. Similarly, due to technological advancments, IT is a growing sector but knowing myself, I'm aware I don't have the appetitite for it so while I find IT boring and mundance, others who are interested in this field might beg to differ so it's about us knowing our where our job motivation lies and pursuing it with conviction to be the best that we can be,
I reckoned it was the influence that I received from relatives who are closed to me and were in the HR field that got me exploring into the industry. I started researching more into it and picked up the knowledge by reading materials related to HR and this continued to fuel my interest. I then embarked on learning to improve my knowledge. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison so while some find HR boring and mundane I find it exhilarting so it goes back to our own career Values, Interests, Personality and Skills. Similarly, due to technological advancments, IT is a growing sector but knowing myself, I'm aware I don't have the appetitite for it so while I find IT boring and mundance, others who are interested in this field might beg to differ so it's about us knowing our where our job motivation lies and pursuing it with conviction to be the best that we can be,