facebookInterested in Alibaba Stocks. What’s the difference between the one in HKEX (HKEX:9988) and in NYSE (NYSE:BABA)? - Seedly



04 May 2020

General Investing

Interested in Alibaba Stocks. What’s the difference between the one in HKEX (HKEX:9988) and in NYSE (NYSE:BABA)?

Currently conducting fundamental analysis on HKEX:9988 and realised that they only did IPO in 2017, hence only 2-3 years of data is available. Is it fair to analyze the one in NYSE:BABA and assume it is the same for HKEX:9988? 9988 is more attractive to me due to its lower price and not needing to pay any taxes.

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Always consider the unique aspects of the HKEX listing when performing your analysis. cookie clicker

They have the same thoughts but different ways of acting and expressing themselves fish eat fish

The main difference between BABA and 9988 is that BABA is a primary listing, while 9988 is a seconda...

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