facebookI've just started my first job with a take-home of $2,400. I'm looking to invest and grow my wealth, but have no experience. What should I do? - Seedly



15 Sep 2020


I've just started my first job with a take-home of $2,400. I'm looking to invest and grow my wealth, but have no experience. What should I do?

I just opened the DBS Multiplier account with the Live Fresh card to up the interest. I have $12k in the SC JumpStart account after accounting for 12 months of emergency funds but will move my funds after the interest rate slash. How should I apportion the funds and my monthly salary across DBS, Stashaway (14% but open to changing), Stashaway Simple, and maybe other relatively low-risk, beginner-accessible investment options? Thank you!

Discussion (7)

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Save first, set aside money to invest via dollar cost averaging. Then find a mentor or advisor who can assist you to accelerate your growth.

Hi! I would recommend Singlife to deposit $10k of your emergency funds for 2.5% pa Although the interest is non-guaranted but I've been getting 2.5% so far!

No harm trying as there's no conditions and no lock in which means u can withdraw it anytime (in the event they slash the interest rate)
& also comes with free debit card for daily use.

U can use my referral link if u don't have 1 for $10 credit each (upon activating the debit card)


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