facebookI'm looking to invest in unit trusts however I'm not so familiar with it. Anyone has any tips or things to look out for when investing in unit trust? - Seedly


I'm looking to invest in unit trusts however I'm not so familiar with it. Anyone has any tips or things to look out for when investing in unit trust?

I planned to invest in unit trust for the next 5 years. So, checking if its worthy decision. I am new to investments like this. Any review about St. James’s Place wealth management?

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Luke Ho

28 Apr 2019

Founder and Director at CFX Money Maverick Pte Ltd

Any portfolio designed for an only 5 year return and trying to achieve a net positive can't have a risk profile that's higher than Balanced. In fact, even then - despite all diversified portfolios making money after 10 years, there's still a little risk.

So if you've been placed in 80, or 100% equities, the person who you're working with has no idea what they're doing.

I would suggest looking out for that.

If you'd like a second opinion from an investment specialist who would design an asset allocation that is more suitable for a 5 year tenure, you can drop me a message.


Hariz Arthur Maloy

28 Apr 2019

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

They're a Financial Advisory firm. I haven't worked with them in any capacity but I've heard of a few professionals that represent them.

I suggest looking around for other advisors and firms and hearing other advisor's philosophies on investment planning to see if you understand and agree.

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