facebookHow would you manage a take home pay of 3.3k? i already have saved up for my emergency funds, what should the allocation be now? - Seedly



09 Aug 2024



How would you manage a take home pay of 3.3k? i already have saved up for my emergency funds, what should the allocation be now?

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Depends on your lifestyle needs - spend on essentials, then buy other items when they are on sale or cashback available

Hello, i would recommend thinking what is the next big ticket item you need to purchase in time to come. it really depends on your priorities, such as kids, travelling, marriage, house? otherwise it is advisable to invest and/or save up for insurance. the earlier you start, the better. There are many types of insurance such as general vs life, find out if you have everything necessary and if you need to purchase more so as to reduce your financial worries in the future.

My basic necessity spending is $1000, insurance $300 (excluded housing cos as a single, i stayed with parents "rent-free", after married, mortgage paid via CPF "cash-free")

There's also parent allowance (i fixed at 20%)

These are my fixed expenditures. I try not to change them ie quality of life since im contented with the basics and rather maintain this lifestyle into retirement.


As a single, I had no other expenditure, so the remaining is saving/investment.

As a parent, additional $$ are spent on own household expenditures (utilities, added insurance, grocery, family holidays (trips with kids are more ex) etc), so sometimes don't even get to save πŸ₯² gotta rely on bonus to save up.


13 Aug 2024

Administrator at SG

Project nearer term expenses and park the money in somewhere liquid like

You may want to start tracking and analysing your historical spending pattern. If there is extravaga...

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