I have been investing for the past 4 years and have seen pretty amazing results, and I genuinely believe that investing is the only way out of this rat race for regular people (at least not work till 65 and still broke af).
Many of my friends also came to me for financial related advices, which shows that I am financially savvy than my peers. And no I am not a financial advisor, just someone really into personal finance.
So of course I would want to relay this message to my partner. I have shared with her multiple times that investing is important and that she just have to start small, even $50 or $100 a month is fine
But she is just really stubborn and doesn't want to get started on investing. She even told me that I should be careful because investing is risky, and not 'burn my hands' (in Chinese, 烧到手) and we may even have to declare bankruptcy (lol, fuck those misleading movies/ dramas)
I am confident that I will be able to FIRE in 2 decades max (for myself), but if my partner isnt investing at all and just leave her money in the bank, I am afraid I will have to prepare 2x the FIRE fund (+ my partner's portion), which means I will not be able to FIRE within my planned timeline
This is honestly super annoying and frustrating, so I would like some advice from anyone who may have anything to share
Appreciate it
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How about:
You: Hey dear. i think we need to find professional independent financial advisor to help us plan for our future & retirement? Then act stress and depress, worrying about the future.
Then see what is her reaction. Do not say anything about investment, stocks....
1st time may not work, just every repeat everyday, 1 time, then silently walk away look sad if she refuse, dont argue, till she agree to go. Once she agreed then "gotcha"
Hard one cannot must use soft one (硬的不可以,来软的)
Because the independent financial advisor will look at your overall financial situation, your saving, cpf, insurance and help you craft an investment portfolio. Indirectly, she will get invested If she buy your idea.
you want to try to sell your wife security, graceful retirement (no need to work at mcdonald @55) a better tomorrow, for your kid education, protection for her if accident happen....
Sometime, no matter how good you are, your family just simply dont trust you, but when someone else with certifiication, authority or professional say the same thing they will totally agree.